Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Grand Adventure

Recently, my husband and I moved to Los Angeles, California from Louisville, Kentucky. We left our three bedroom house with a fenced in backyard and heirloom roses for a one bedroom apartment four blocks from the beach. I have made forays into homesteading in the past (e.g., canning tomatoes and homemade jam, making homemade granola and composting). However since moving here, I cannot quell the urges I have to become more self sufficient. I have been gorging myself on homesteading books. Learning about beekeeping, chicken raising, goat herding and banjo picking. I cannot abandon the idea that I could be doing more from my urban dwelling. Maybe I cannot build my own chicken coop or design a plan for an acre of vegetables, but I can find a few activities to begin this journey.

Beginning in May, I will work on developing an Urban Homestead that fits into a one bedroom apartment with a shady patio. I intend to investigate fermentation, sewing, cheese-making, knitting, guitar playing, and garden planning. This begins my journey toward a life style relying more on me and less on stuff.